1600 - Infotext |
This infotext has been modified by Frank Bacher for graue-substanz.net to reflect recently made changes to the variant and the variant files as the original infotext was outdated.
1600 is a simple
map-change variant set in 17th century Europe. All rules are normal except that
the game
starts in the year 1600. The map has 53 centers, so 27 are needed to win, although
other victory conditions could be used since it takes a long time to get 27
Note that the letter for Sweden is W and for the Ottoman Empire is T.
The four channels
in the east make it possible for the otherwise landlooked powers of Russia and
Poland to build
fleets. Following the route those fleets have to take to get into the open sea:
Novgorod - Ingria - Gulf of Bothnia
Voronezj - Crimea - Black Sea
Warsaw - Pomerelia (Pml.)- Baltic Sea or Sea of Bornholm (S.o.B)
Cracow - Bessarabia - Black Sea
Of course it is possible as well for foreign fleets to enter these canals, too.
You may find more
information about the variant at the Europe 1600 Home Page:
As of writing this (16th of March 2004) the homepage seems to be outdated and doesn't reflect changes made in recent versions.
The starting positions are :
D-Denmark | E-England | F-France |
F Vestlandet | A Wales | A Burgundy |
A Scania | F Ireland | A Paris |
A Zealand | F London | A Provence |
A Jutland | F Gascony |
H-Habsburg_Empire | S-Spain | P-Poland |
A Austria | A Castille | A White Russia |
A Bohemia | A Flanders | A Warsaw |
A Croatia | A Naples | A Cracow |
F Granada |
R-Russia | T-Ottoman_Empire | W-Sweden |
A Moscow | A Anatolia | A Finland |
A Novgorod | A Egypt | A Estonia |
A Voronezj | F Constantinople | A Bergslagen |
A Greece | F Stockholm |
Alphabetical list of provinces and their respective abbreviations:
Adriatic Sea - adr
Aegean Sea - aeg
Anatolia - ana
Aragon - ara
Archangel - arh
Arctic Ocean - aoc
Armenia - arm
Austria - aus
Azerbaijan - aze
Baltic Sea - bal
Barents Sea - bar
Bavaria - bav
Bay of Biscay - bob
Bergslagen - ber
Bessarabia - bes
Black Sea - bla
Bohemia - boh
Brandenburg - bra
Bremen - bre
Brittany - bri
Bulgaria - bul
Burgundy - bur
Caspian Sea - cas
Castille - cst
Central Asia - cnt
Champagne - cha
Constantinople - con
Cornwall - cor
Cracow - cra
Crimea - cri
Croatia - cro
Cumbria - cum
Eastern Hungary - ehu
Eastern Mediterranean - eas
Egypt - egy
English Channel - eng
Estonia - est
Finland - fin
Flanders - fla
France Comte - fco
Gascony - gas
Georgia - geo
Granada - gra
Great Poland - gpo
Greece - gre
Gulf of Bothnia - gob
Gulf of Lyon - gol
Helgoland Bight - hel
Hesse - hes
Holstein - hol
Illyria - ill
Ingria - ing
Ionian Sea - ion
Ireland - ire
Irish Sea - iri
Jutland - jut
Karelia - kar
Kattegat - kat
Languedoc - lan
Lappland - lap
Libya - lib
Little Poland - lpo
Livonia - lvn
London - lon
Lorraine - lor
Mazovia - maz
Mecklenburg - mec
Mid-Atlantic Ocean - mao
Milan - mil
Moravia - mrv
Morocco - mrc
Moscow - mos
Naples - nap
Navarre - nav
Netherlands - net
Normandy - nrm
North Africa - naf
North Atlantic Ocean - nao
North Sea - nth
Norwegian Sea - nwg
Novgorod - nov
Ostlandet - ost
Paris - par
Persia - per
Pomerania - pom
Pomerelia - pml
Portugal - por
Provence - pro
Prussia - pru
Pskov - psk
Romagna - rmg
Rome - rom
Savoy - sav
Saxony - sax
Scania - sca
Scotland - sco
Sea of Bornholm - sob
Serbia - ser
Siberia - sib
Silisia - sil
Skaggarak - ska
Slovakia - slo
Smaland - sma
Stockholm - sto
Styria - sty
Syria - syr
Transylvania - tra
Troendelag - tro
Tula - tul
Tuscany - tus
Tyrolia - tyl
Tyrrhenian Sea - tys
Ukraine - ukr
Uralsk - ura
Venice - ven
Vestlandet - ves
Volhynia - vol
Voronezj - vor
Wales - wal
Warsaw - war
West Gothland - wgo
Western Hungary - whu
Western Mediterranean - wes
Westphalia - wst
White Russia - wru
Yorkshire - yor
Zealand - zea
Variant by : Tommy
Coded for the Judge by : Tommy Larsson
Realpolitik Version by : Cristiano Corte Restitutti
Changes and Additions to the Infotext: Frank Bacher
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