Africa- Infotext |
African Riots v4.1
African Riots is a nine-player Diplomacy variant designed by
Yvonne Linka and Rene Krokowski.
The Map is based on the national borders at the beginning of the 21th century.
The territorial divisions as well as the division of water-spaces were adjusted
for playability but nevertheless often show actual regions. This variant does
not reflect a realistic scenario among the involved parties. It instead tries
to consider the natural distribution of resources across Africa.
This is an "Aberration"-variant of Africa which means:
"a player may build on any supply center he owns which is vacant as long
as he still owns at least one of his original home centers."
There are 74 supply centers. Therefore the victory criterion is the possession
of 38.
Starting positions
Angola (A): Luanda, Lunda North, Oyster Bay
> A lua, A lun, F oys
Arabia (R): Saudi Arabia Riad and Al Hufuf, United Arabian Emirates
> A ria, A ahu, F uae
Bedouin (B): Algeria Central Sahara, Chad N'djamena, Niger Plateau du Djado
> A csh, A ndm, A pdd
East Africa (E): Ethiopia Goba, Kenya Mombasa, Somalia Mogadishu
> A gob, A mom, F mog
Egypt (Y): Gharbyan Desert, Cairo, Assuan
> A ghd, F cai(wc), A ass
Madagascar (D): Madagascar Plateau de l'Androna, Mauritius, Mozambique Maputo
> F pda, F mau, A map
Morocco (C): Morocco Casablanca, Gran Canaria, Western Sahara
> A cas, F gca, A wsh
South Africa (S): North West, Western Cape, Oranje Free State
> A nwt, F wcp, A ofs
West Africa (W): Guinea Nzerekore, Ivory Coast Abidjan, Liberia
> A nze, A abi, F lib
Geographical characteristics are:
1. Rivers accessible from the sea are navigable. They don't represent
individual areas but most of them separate the adjacent territories.
Exceptions: Some territories are not divided by a river.
- These are: Kay Bar Nia Gha Aig Kit Kin Kan Mox Brt.
- For better visualization the Realpolitik-names of these territories are positioned
across the river.
2. There are four regions where four spaces come together at one point, all
created by rivers. These are Ndm-Hko-Ouh-Loc, Ghm-Ass-Nud-Ash, Kuj-Aaz-Aig-Gbg
and Dam-Jaa-Bag-Bas. These four-way spaces are only adjacent for fleets but
NOT for armies. E.g. movement from Bas to Jaa is allowed for fleets but restricted
for armies.
3. The Victoria Lake is the only lake navigable by fleets. Movement from ELV
to Tan or WLV to Ser is not allowed.
4. The lakes between Nkv and Fpo, Tan/Bur and Mit, Des and Mal and the Lake
between Ndm, Loc, Ada, Ban and Zin are impassable for armies. By the way the
lake between Nkv and Fpo isn't connected with the "Nil". Further the
Chari-River is not assigned to be navigable by fleets. Therefore building a
fleet in Chad N'djamena, Ndm, is senseless.
5. Due to the navigable rivers there are eleven coastal regions which separate
rivers from the sea or a river from another.
- These are: Dam wc/ec, Cai wc/ec, Ass wc/ec, Con wc/ec, Bia nc/sc, Abi nc/sc,
Ada nc/wc, Kon wc/ec, Kan wc/ec, Ova wc/ec, Ecp nc/sc.
6. There are two coastal regions, Sinai and Israel, which separate the Red Sea
from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea:
- Sin nc/sc, Isr wc/sc.
7. Sen-Gam and Ahu-Qab: Although Gam separates the coast of Sen as Qab separates
the coast of Ahu, Sen and Ahu are NOT dual-coast regions. Therefore a fleet
is e.g. able to move from Nou to Sen to Gbi. Imagine that Gam and Qab give free
passage to fleets;-)
8. The Suez Canal:
An army is also able to enter the canal zone to bridge it and pass directly
into the adjacent territories.
Possible orders are e.g.: "A cai - sue", "A cai - sin",
"F cai(ec/wc) - sue" but not "F cai(ec/wc) - sin".
9. Island regions: Although the island regions like Sey, Mau etc. are mainly
surrounded by water, fleets in these regions are not able to convoy.
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comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
By the way, the supply centers correspond to the following resources:
Algeria Algier, alg: Mercury, Naturalgas
Algeria Central Sahara, csh: Mineral Oil
Algeria Hamada Du Draa, hdd: Silver
Algeria Oasis of Tidikelt, oti: Oasis
Angola Luanda, lua: Mineral Oil, Coffee
Angola Lunda North, lun: Diamonds
Angola Oyster Bay, oys: Oyster
Botswana Ngamiland, nga: Diamonds
Cape Verde Islands, cvi: Tourism
Central African Rep. Djungle, adj: Diamonds
Central African Rep. Haute Kotto, cah: Diamonds
Chad N'djamena, ndm: Cotton
Cyprus, cyp: Copper, Chromium
DRCongo eastern Djungle, edj: Tin, Tungsten
DRCongo Kananga, kan: Diamonds
DRCongo Lubumbashi, lub: Copper
DRCongo north Kivu, nkv: Gold
DRCongo western Djungle, wdj: Caoutchouk
Egypt Assuan, ass: Iron
Egypt Cairo, cai: Mineral Oil
Egypt Gharbyan Desert, ghd: Dates, Mineral Oil
Eritrea, eri: Coffee, Tobacco
Ethiopia Goba, gob: Gold
Gabon, gab: Manganese, Mineral Oil
Ghana, gha: Coffee, Gold, Manganese, Diamonds
Gran Canaria, gca: Tourism, Bananas
Guinea Nzerekore, nze: Diamonds
Iraq Bagdad, bag: Dates
Iraq Basra, bas: Mineral Oil
Ivory Coast Abidjan, abi: Coffee, Diamonds
Kenya Mombasa, mom: Pearls, Coffee, Tea
Liberia, lib: Iron, Diamonds
Lybia As Sidrah, ash: Mineral Oil, Naturalgas
Lybia Murzuq, mur: Dates
Madagascar Plateau de l'Androna, pda: Chromium
Mali Gourma, gou: Millet
Mauritania Zourirate, zou: Iron
Mauritius, mau: Tourism
Morocco Casablanca, cas: Phosphates, Corals
Mozambique Maputo, map: Copper
Namibia Karas, kar: Diamonds
Namibia Ovamboland, ova: Copper, Silver
Nigeria Banschi, ban: Tin
Nigeria Benin City, bec: Mineral Oil, Coffee
Niger Agadez, agz: Millet
Niger Niamey, nia: Peanuts
Niger Plateau du Djado, pdd: Dates
Oman, oma: Mineral Oil
Rwanda, rwa: Tungsten, Tin
Saint Helena, sth: Tourism
Sardegna, sar: Silver
Saudi Arabia Al Hufuf, ahu: Mineral Oil
Saudi Arabia Riad, ria: Dates
Senegal, sen: Peanuts, Phosphates
Seychelles, sey: Tourism
Sicilia, sic: Mineral Oil
Sierra Leone, sle: Diamonds
Sinai, sin: Copper, Mineral Oil, Naturalgas
Sokotra, sok: Tourism
Somalia Mogadishu, mog: Bananas
South Africa North West, nwt: Platinum, Gold, Diamonds
South Africa Oranje Free State, ofs: Gold, Uranium, Diamonds
South Africa Western Cape, wcp: manifold Industry
Sudan Al Azraq, azr: Cotton, Sugarcain
Sudan Ash Shamaliyah, asm: Dates
Syria Damaskus, dam: Naturalgas
Tanzania Dar Es Salaam, des: Pearls
Tanzania Serengeti, ser: Diamonds
Tunesia, tun: Mineral Oil
Uganda Fort Portal, fpo: Copper
United Arabian Emirates, uae: Mineral Oil
Western Sahara, wsh: Phosphates
Zambia Barotseland, brt: Copper
Zimbabwe, zim: Chromium, Copper, Gold
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